This porting guide is for users that have experience with use of wsKlima and plan to use instead. is a new api for observations and climate data from Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
wsKlima will be supported to 01.03.2019.
In the left column you can find example of use of corresponding to functionality in wsKlima examples in right column.
Use of | Use of wsKlima |
A JSON API. The Frost API specification is an XHTML/RDFa document that defines the classes and terms of the JSON-LD format used by the API. Overview of what endpoints and variables and corresponding attributes that are available in this JSON API is: The documentation is in swagger after If an input variable is not given, all possibilities will be given as default. |
A SOAP based API, but also possible to use like a rest"alike" API. Read more about the three services that are available: Reference description: |
New naming convention | Timeserietypes | has applied a new naming convention for the observations and the derived statistics. The naming convention follows (as much as possible) the CF-standard. Both the methods and time-resolution involved in the element_id's make use of the timeserie-concept unnecessary. |
The concept timeserietype divide the the different types of data into timeseries. A timeserie is to example data that comes from airports, or data with a special timeresolution as daily data or monthly data.×erieTypes= |
Elements | ElementProperties | gives all elements with name and description and information. It is possible to limit the request, searching for specific element_id's or legacy element codes. Use an asterix * to filter the request. The output gives also information about the connection to the legacy naming Convention at Met Norway, and to the CF-convention. Backwards compatibilty gives the possibility to request on the old element code, e.g: But it is the corresponding new elementID that is used in the request for data. | gives all elements: elemNo - number of element (used in the data flow)elemCode - short name code for element, used for identification name - name of element description - description of element unit - unit for element fromdate - observed from this date for a given station todate - observed until this date for a given station language - language in which element information is shown. Or give information about one element: |
Available timeseries (source, element and period with data) | Information about elements for a station: |
To see what elements a source/station observes; use the possibility to find which timeseries that are available, using the /observations/availableTimeSeries eg:
Returns information about the source, the element and in which period that this combination contains data. That means that you have to use the /elements endpoint to get the details about the elements from the output above, as for the example: P1M)&lang=en-US |
Returns all elements (with information and observational period) for a given station and timeseries types. |
Information about sources (stations) | Station Properties |
/sources Retrieves stations information if type=SensorSystem It is possible to filter the request on many parameters. Get stations filtered by geometry:
Remark that does not give you utm coordinates. |
Retrieves station information. name - official name of stationstnr - Norwegian station number, depending on location of major rivers. wmoNo - WMO's station number, if the station is a SYNOP station, otherwise 0. fromDay, fromMonth, fromYear - stations/elements operational time is available from this date. If 0, date is not specified. toDay, toMonth, toYear - stations/elements operational time is available until this date. If 0, date is not specified. If toYear is 0, station is still operational. amsl (average meter above sea level) - height above sea level for station municipalityNo - municipality number department - administrative region or country if other than Norway. latDec, lonDec, latLonFmt - breddegrader, lengdegrader og format (desimalgrader) utm_n, utm_e, utm_zone - utm kordinater |
Available timeseries (source, element and period with data) | Available stations with constraint on timeserietype, element and station |
To see what sources that have data; use the possibility to find which timeseries that are available, using the /observations/availabaleTimeSeries
e.g: Returns information about the source, the element and in which period that this combination contains data. |
Returns all stations with data for the specified time serie types. getStationsFromTimeserieTypeElemCodes Returns all stations with data for given type of timeserie types and at least one of the elements. Operational time are from the elements (minimum fromdate -> maximum todate). getStationsFromTimeserieTypeStationsElemCode Returns all stations with data for given timeserie type, stations and element code. Operational time is for the element but the station can live longer. A station can provide more informationset because different sensors have observed the element. |
Qualityinformation | FlagProperties |
In addition to the qualitylevel(code) you can get information about which quality flags that are possible: To get information only about the summarized flags (flaglevels) use filtering on fields: In additional it is possible to check the meaning behind a qualityFlag, eg. 70000: | flagID - number, used for identificationflagCode - short name for the flag flagName - the name used for flagDescription - description of quality flag language - language that they are shown in. |
Language | Language |
Language is specified in the requestParameter “lang” in all endPoints that contain text in the output. Available languages are:
WeatherCodes (code values in general) | WeatherCode |
This functionality is not implemented yet, but is planned to be a service to provide description and additional info for all elements which observes in codes. code tables are included in the output from elements e.g, the weather observations from manned stations: gives you the elementId=weather_type with corresponding codeTable=present_weather_manned The content of this codetable can be found from the endpoint /elements/codeTables: So this is the lookup table for what the values mean when you get them from observations, e.g: |
Provides description of number codes of precipitation type (element=SLAG/V4/V5/V6). |
DateFormat | Period |
Timespesification follows ISO-8601 with some extentions (if needed) | yyyy-MM-dd
Location | County |
The location endpoint will be developed to contain more information about locations, as a service for the location based data provided from the api.
CountyId and countyName are included in the /sources endpoint. |
Information about id and name of counties referred to in wsKlima. |
All observations are now found using /observations specifying:
In this /observations you will find data for the elements (corresponding to timeseies from wsKlima). output:
The timeseries (observations) method from wsKlima getMetData :
timeserietypeID* - is given as a number. Timeserie types
can be retrieved from method getTimeSerietypesProperties("","") Output is timestamp - location-element- value and quality |
0 - diurnal values |
0 - diurnal values
getMetData("0","","2004-07-01","2006-12-31","18700,50540","rr,tan,tax","","8,9","") |
1 - monthly values |
getMetData("1","","2005-07-01","2006-07-01","18700,50540","rr,tan,tax","","","") Returns monthly values for all months from July 2005 to July 2006. In the output only year and month are current in 'from'=date of daily values (time set to 0). |
7 - homogenous monthly values Using the method best_estimate_* on the elements we indicate the homogenisation method applied on the data. Both monthly, seasonal, yearly and some diurnal data are available. |
7 - homogenous monthly values getMetData("7","","","","18700","tam","","","") Returns homogeneous monthly values for all months from July 2005 to July 2006. |
2 - observations These elements are the now values on the measurements stations, nowadays most of them are automatic, reporting data every hour. SN18700: 1 is sensor number 1, ie of old type of parameter starting with X1, eg: X1TA The default sensor is 0. It is the same as if you are writing SN18700 or SN18700: 0 . |
2 - observations getMetData("2","","2006-01-01","2006-02-01","18700,50540","ra,tam,tax","0,6,12,18","","") Returns observations for the times 0,6,12 and 18 UTC in the specified period. In output for time, Z means UTC-time. |
14- ten minutes values |
14- ten minutes values getMetData("14","","2015-01-15","2015-02-15","25112","dd,ff","12","","") Returns observations for the times 12 UTC in the specified period. In output for time, Z means UTC-time. |
9 - environmental data from platforms These data come from a set of station numbers and contain observations e.g. for sea surface elements. |
9 - environmental data from platforms getMetData("8","","2008-09-01","2008-10-01","76920","ta","12","","") Gives environmental data for 12 UTC in the given period. The output of the time stamp indicates that Z is UTC time. The data are quality controlled manually, so the data are somewhat delayed. |
15 - ten minutes values from environmental stations/platforms These data come from a set of station numbers and contain observations e.g. for sea surface elements. The data are automatically controlled. |
15 - ten minutes values from environmental stations/platforms getMetData("15","","2013-10-03","2013-11-01","76920","ta","12","","") Returns observations for the times 12 UTC in the specified period. In output for time, Z means UTC-time. |
13 - Data from the road agency, as performancecategory=C These data come from stations which does not perform after the WMO (and Met Norway) standard as performanceCategory A. But the measurements are freely available, but are flagged as performanceCategory=C. The available timeseries for this timeserietype can therefore be found from: The controlInfo method is not yet implemented. |
13 - Data from the road agency http://wsklima/met/MetService?invoke=getMetData×erietypeID=13&format=&from=2016-03-01&to=2016-03-06&stations=5495&elements=ta&hours=12&months=&username=useracces This timeserietype has been restricted to those users with a username with access to the data, in agreement with the data owner. getControlInfo - method for road agency to get detailed quality information about the measurements.
5 - daily extremes Daily extremes are not in use (because of lack of datacoverage) and will therefore not be implemented at the time being. |
5 - daily extremes
Gives the extreme values in the station period, each day, for one station.×erietypeID=5&format=&from=&to=&stations=18700&elements=rr,tax&hours=&months=&username |
10 - extremes per county Extremes for counties can be found from the endpoint: /record/ P1D) |
10 - extremes per county getMetData("10","","","","3","tan","","","") Inputparameter stations are in the county types (countyID) that can be obtained from a method called getCountyTypes. In the output: 'from' - the date that says what year and day records were set for each month, 'id' - stationnumber for which records were set and 'type' - provides county type. |
8 - Metar data: (observed from aerodromes) |
8 - Metar data: (observed from aerodromes) getMetData("8","","2008-09-01","2008-10-01","4780","ta","12","","") Provides metardata for 12 UTC in the given period. The output of the time stamp indicates that Z is UTC time. |
11 - Data coverage This datacoverage functionality will not be provided in the first version of |
11 - Data coverage getMetData("8","","2008-09-01","2008-10-01","4780","ta","12","","") Provides metardata for 12 UTC in the given period. The output of the time stamp indicates that Z is UTC time. |
16=Projectdata. Special data from project stations(special
parameters) |
16=Projectdata. Special data from projekt stations(special parameters) |
Frequencies | Intensity-duration-frequency |
The endpoint/frequencies/rainfall gives the intensity-duration and frequency data for stations. It is also possible to filter on durations, frequencies and unit See:!/frequencies/getRainfallIDF It is also possible to get the IDF value for a certain location (from 1x1 km grid) e.g: A visualisation of the data can be found at the Climate Service Center website: |
Timeserietype 17 = IDF-data: wsKlima did also have a Graph service which gave a visualization of the IDF-data: Graph- > idf |
Climatology normals | Climatology normals |
3 - monthly normals 4 - diurnal normals |
3 - monthly normals getMetData("3","","","","18700,50540","rr,tam","","","") For default normal period [1961-01-01 -> 1990-12-31] can input parameters 'from' and 'two ' be blank. Another normal period [1931-01-01 -> 1960-12-31] is also available. Method returns month normals. In the output for date 'from' shows year = (start normal period) and (month and day) = (start of the current month). Date 'to ' shows years = (end normal period) and (month and day) = (end of current month). 4 - diurnal normals getMetData("4","","","","18700,50540","tam","","","") Input parameters 'from' and 'to ' can be blank because it's just one normal period [1961-01-01 -> 1990-12-31] (default). The method returns daily normals for normal period. In the output for date 'from' shows year = (start normal period) and (month and day) = (start of the current day). Date 'to ' shows years = (end normal period) and (month and day) = (end of the current day). |
This functionality is planned to be integrated in in 2019. |
Region data - to get climate data information for a
region. |